Description of the commercial place to rent

Le local commercial en question bénéficie d'un emplacement de choix, étant situé en face de la caisse Desjardins. Sa proximité avec cet établissement financier offre une visibilité stratégique et un fort potentiel de passage pour une clientèle variée. Avec sa façade attrayante et son agencement intérieur bien pensé, ce local représente une opportunité idéale pour toute entreprise cherchant à capitaliser sur un flux constant de clients potentiels.INCLUSIONSÉlectricité, chauffage, EXCLUSIONS--

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Specifications of the commercial place to rent

General information

Rent: $2,500 / month

Availability: now

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Contact About

Nicolas Forand

Please log in to contact the landlord

450 830-XXXX - Show the number

Important Safety Notice
Here are some things to watch out for when communicating with the advertiser:
  • An advertiser cannot require a deposit for a visit or a rental reservation. However, following the signing of your rental application, a deposit for a pre-rental survey may be required.
  • Contact the owner by phone to make arrangements for a visit.
  • Does the ad seem too good to be true? Be extra vigilant.
More information

Nicolas Forand

Please log in to view information about the landlord

450 830-XXXX - Show the number

Important Safety Notice
Here are some things to watch out for when communicating with the advertiser:
  • An advertiser cannot require a deposit for a visit or a rental reservation. However, following the signing of your rental application, a deposit for a pre-rental survey may be required.
  • Contact the owner by phone to make arrangements for a visit.
  • Does the ad seem too good to be true? Be extra vigilant.
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