Boost my Listing

You have already published a listing and you want to improve your package? Go to the "Listingsand "My Listingstabs, under Active Listings:
- Click the EDIT or IMPROVE button in your Active Listings 
- In the case of a FREE LISTING, you can add a PACKAGE or an OPTION at any time.
Access the data and statistics of your listings in the Listings – My Listings tab by clicking on DETAILS from your Active Listings. The same statistics will be available once your listings have become inactive in the Listings - History tab. 
If you have published a listing with a package and you want to make it inactive or identify it as ALREADY RENTED, please note that the remaining time of your package/option will not be refunded or credited. Nonetheless, you can reactivate the same listing for the next 30 days, as well as the balance of the chosen package, if applicable. You will be able to renew your package/option and listing when it expires. 
In the case of a listing that you have not yet paid and that is still in your cart, you can easily add options.
You can easily change your package up until you pay and activate your listing by clicking on EDIT   in the LISTINGS TO PUBLISH from the Listings - My Listings tab.
Tag words: Package, Option, Advertisement
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