Stand out from the crowd by completing your profile

Stand out from the crowd by completing your profile when creating your Kangalou account and by sharing it throughout your search!


Add your information on your profile to stand out. Add a profile picture, explain your main motivations on why you're looking for a place to live and save time by having to introduce yourself only once!


To start, make sure that only the "Tenant" box is checked (bottom left). Then, make sure to fill in your personal information. You have the option to hide your phone number so that it is not public.


Now is the time to stand out and show that you are the ideal tenant that all landlords are looking for! In the description box, try to emphasize your reliability and positive attitude to show that you are a tenant capable of having harmonious relations with the community.


You can also explain the particular things you are looking for in a dwelling or neighborhood, or even include a very important detail for the landlord to know, such as being allowed to have a pet in the dwelling.


Don't hesitate to explain your good intentions. Have a good search!



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