How to use the search feature

For more relevant results, always start your search by selecting a region, city or neighborhood and the desired size. Then limit your search by rent price and other relevant options such as type or options.


Multiple selections can be made from the type and options menus.


Note: If you are already in a search page, you will find the type and options by clicking on the criteria button: 



In summary: 

  • Region: select region.
  • City and neighborhood: choose the cities or neighborhoods that interest you mostFor more detailed information on popular destinations, take a look at our Neighborhoods Guides in our blog.
  • Size: specify the number of rooms, bathrooms desired.
  • Rent: indicate the price range of the rent.
  • Options: if you have additional essential criteria, add them to your search.


Tag words : search, housing, apartment, house, region, city, neighborhood

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